ANF 2022

Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
Annual National Formation (ANF) 

Carleton University, Ottawa
June 17 and 18, 2022

Presentations (English)

The Hunger to be Seen, a closer look at the people we serve – Deborah Joyce

Social Justice in Action, Relationship between Catholic Social Teaching, Charity, Social Justice – Richard Pommainville

Complexity of poverty and Hunger, A Holistic Approach beyond the Food Pantry – Jenneke van Hemert BSc RD

Hunger: Not just Physical, Alook into Spiritual Hunger among The Elderly – Presented by the St. Louise De Marillac Youth Conference

Second Harvest – Marie-José Mastromonaco

Presentation (French)

La justice sociale en action, La relation entre l’enseignement social de l’Église catholique, la charité et la justice sociale – Richard Pommainville

La faim et la SSVP – Pierre Morissette

Sur les pas de Marguerite d’Youville, l’Accueil Bonneau – Sr. Nicole Fournier

This meeting was funded in part by the Government of Canada