Personal Encounters
Person-to-person Encounters are the heart and soul of our Vincentian calling, bringing much-needed goods and services to thousands of individuals and families in Canada every year. This calling goes beyond mere acts of kindness; Vincentians engage deeply and spiritually with those we serve. Encounters can be conducted in many ways, in someone’s home, in a special project, at a Parish, at a conference, in a homeless shelter, on the streets and other places. There are many ways to conduct visits in different places, but they all include Spirituality, friendship, listening, caring, and support.
Encounters help to break down barriers of prejudice and indifference. We recognize “those in need” or the “less fortunate” as brothers and sisters, equal in dignity and deserving of our love and respect. This recognition compels us to address not just the symptoms of poverty and suffering but their root causes, striving for justice and systemic change, as called for by Blessed Frédéric Ozanam.
The Vincentian vocation is to support our neighbours in need, based on respect, love, and our relationship with others. Our Encounters with those we serve, and those we serve with, must always be based on those understandings, transforming charity from a transactional act into a relational experience. It is not just about what we give but how we give it. The encounter also enriches the giver. When we open our hearts to truly see and engage with those we serve, we too are transformed. We understand the depth of suffering, the resilience, and the beauty of human dignity.
Vincentian Encounters create transformative or enlightening moments, altering perceptions, emotions, or relationships of the individuals involved. They are the key to building a network of charity, grace, and compassion that embraces the world.
Please donate today to ensure we continue meaningful encounters with our neighbours in need.
In the video above, the SSVP National President, Linda Dollard, shares her thoughts and experiences about personal encounters.

How you can help
Provide financial assistance.
Donate time to assist with home visits.
Where your contributions go
homeless individuals and families
Homes/households and homeless
people served
children served
FAQ - Personal Encounters
The purpose of the SSVP Home Visits is to provide support, comfort, and essential services to vulnerable individuals and families, helping to restore their dignity. Our personal visits are a crucial part of this mission.
To volunteer for Home Visits, please contact your local SSVP chapter or the National Council Office for more information on the application process. Our community is always open to new volunteers eager to make a difference.
During Home Visits, volunteers may provide goods such as food, clothing, and other essentials, along with companionship and emotional support. These personal visits help individuals feel connected and valued.
Yes, safety is a priority during all home visits. We conduct visits in pairs to ensure the safety of our visitors and those being visited. Our volunteers are trained to handle various situations to maintain the safety and dignity of all parties involved.
Yes, family visits are encouraged if they help in providing better support to the individual. We coordinate with families to ensure our visits are as effective and supportive as possible.
For more information on how to get involved, please contact the National Council Office or visit a local SSVP site. Our community support programs are designed to provide comprehensive assistance to those in need.