Annual Reports

The Annual Report document is designed to provide a consistent reporting format that will accomplish three things:

  • provide a template that will lend itself to assisting the members of the National Council of Canada to speak with some authority and knowledge regarding the activities of all conferences and councils in Canada;
  • provide a template for conferences and councils to measure the scope of service according to the Rule and Canadian statutes; 
  • enable a comprehensive annual report to be prepared for the International Council General. 

Important Notice:  

All 2024 annual reports should be submitted online through the Members Portal by an administrator.  

We thank all the members who agreed to be administrators; your willingness to work with us is appreciated and your feedback.

To become an administrator for your conference or council in Members Portal, please complete the online form:

The Members Portal is an online National Membership Database. More information available here:

2024 Reports

For conferences not yet set up in the Portal, please contact your next higher council for guidance. The Excel documents provided below are for reference purposes only; all reporting data for conferences must be entered into the Portal either by the conference itself or by the next higher council.

The report has been designed into the TWO parts listed below (two Excel documents). Excel documents are in the same format, please download each document. Upon opening, follow instructions in the white INTRO tab.

9.3 Sections A-B (Statistics – conferences and councils)     (updated: 2024-12-13)
9.3 Section E (Finance – conferences and councils)    (updated: 2024-12-13)

  • Supplementary document:
    This supplementary document has been created to assist with the revenue portion of filling the  annual financial report. SSVP financial report follows the Canada Revenue Agency Form T3010.
Please forward your report to your next higher council

SECTION A-B1 and E1  —>  Before January 30th

Particular councils:

SECTION A-B2 and E2 (Consolidated Reports)  —>  Before February 20th

Central councils:

SECTION A-B2 and E2 (Consolidated Reports) —>  Before March 10th

Regional councils:

SECTION A-B2 and E2 (Consolidated Reports) —>  Before March 31th.

The information gathered is important for the National Council’s report to several areas that include, 

(a) to the federal government, 
(b) to the International Council General,
(c) the public,
(d) donors,
(e) church authorities as information, and
(e) to all members of the Society.

No longer can we seem to be nebulous in our responses. It is imperative to be knowledgeable at all level of the Society of who is doing what. As well, these annual reports will assist the Canadian National Council to focus in areas of growth and development, special activities, education, and support.