
Annual National Formation (ANF)

June 17 & 18, 2022

Our theme for the 2022 ANF is HUNGER. We believe that this is a powerful and timely theme because it goes to the heart of the work of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, nationally and internationally. It represents the hunger we all have for our spiritual life as Vincentians, our hunger to connect with others socially through our daily interactions with each other and the people we serve, and of course the hunger for food that is a basic need for all.

Region: National

Event Details

Friday June 17
7:00 pm: Opening of the Annual National Formation (ANF)
7:30 pm to 9:00pm: Live Chat / Exposition Hall
9:00 pm: Social

Saturday June 18
9:00 am – 10:30 am: Keynote speakers
10:45 am – 4:30 pm: Workshops
5:00 pm: Mass
6:30 pm: Dinner


Carleton University, Richcraft Hall
Ottawa, Ontario

What to Expect

We are offering multiple workshops in English and French and a Live Chat Room for an opportunity to exchange ideas and enter into conversations with our fellow Vincentians on their initiatives, social justice, formation and twinning.

We have confirmed two plenary speakers for the 2022 ANF; we are pleased to announce that MP Francis Drouin, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, and Marie-Josée Mastromonaco, Second Harvest, Chief of Operations (Québec & Nunavut) have accepted our invitation to address the assembly.

National Formation Committee