Our Impact
Our work at the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is grounded in love of neighbour and justice. Our volunteers work in their own communities and are best placed to respond to local needs.
BC & Yukon Programs

Personal Visits
Visiting people at home, in hospital, or in prison is a core activity of our organization. We restore human dignity.

Food security is a growing concern in our communities. We provide discrete and dignified food assistance to those in need.

Material Help
Material goods can also be a pressing need for families and individuals. We can help with that too.

Social Justice
Fundamental to the work we do, Social Justice is a pillar for St. Vincent de Paul. Find out more about the work we do.
Our Partners

Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Our Lady of Guadalupe
One of the busiest programs of this very active conference is the “The Welcome Kits” program.
These kits, prepared and delivered to women and their children transitioning into safe shelter, and to individuals transitioning into stable housing have increased greatly in numbers,
In 2023 there were 15 kits delivered and to date in 2024 there have been just over 50 kits delivered.
The size of these kits has also increased, as calls are being made more often for kits to women transitioning into shelter with several children. The age of the children have ranged from the unborn, to preemies, to young children all the way up to 15 years of age. The Welcome Kits program has been blessed with funding for nearly 2 years from SPARC BC’s “Welcome Home” Program. It couldn’t have come at a better time, with the timing of their partnership with SSVP happening around the same time as the great increase in calls for kits. Their funding consists of $5000 for a 3 month period, with the price of each kit set at $450 per kit, and $500 for incidentals.
Since its early beginnings, the “Welcome Kits Program” has always relied on donations to secure its continued operation each year.
In the past year the bugle horn has been sounding even louder for donations of much needed items, to offset the total cost of the increasing number of kits.
Parishioners and community organizations such as the Food Bank, and Thrift Stores have been generous, and donations have been and continue to be received.
This amazing program has helped so many in difficult times of transition for so many years. This has come about through the efforts of the Program’s Coordinator/Administrator – Jan Singbeil. Jan is also one of our conference’s founding members. From the program’s early beginnings, Jan has prepared and delivered these kits, along with husband Jim. Much needed support, for Jan and Jim, has been given by Conference member Kathi Barrett.
If you wish to support this program contact St. Vincent de Paul, Our Lady of Guadalupe Conference in Campbell River, BC