Social Justice

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul was built on the pillars of charity and justice. These two are inseparable and fundamental to our work.

We seek to address the root causes of poverty in Canada by identifying failures and weaknesses in current systems that keep individuals trapped. Every day, the support of donors, members and volunteers enables us to carry out important work in the following areas:

  • Housing and homelessness
  • Social assistance reform
  • Restorative justice/prison ministry
  • Education
  • Indigenous Peoples
  • Refugees
  • Multicultural diversity
  • Environmental change

Imagine the relief and joy in a person’s face when he or she steps into their own home/safe space for the first time. Our programs give individuals hope and dignity, and the impact is visible on many levels.

Specific initiatives include:

How you can help


Provide financial assistance.

Donate time to assist with social justice projects.

Where your contributions go

low-cost housing units
shelters and drop-in centres
people served at shelters and drop-in centres
Northern communities assisted

Change a life.