SSVP’s Basilica of Our Lady Conference supplies Beds and Kitchen Essentials for new Homeless Shelters

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The County of Wellington along with the local Emergency Shelter – Stepping Stone opened 3 additional shelters to house families experiencing homelessness.  Keeping the families together (most with very young children) was the number one priority. The Basilica of Our Lady Conference shared in that goal and provided much needed bunk beds for the children’s rooms and outfitted the common kitchens in each facility with all the essentials needed for the parents to make daily good, nutritious meals for their families.

On September 28th we held our 3rd Annual Retreat.  We welcomed Vincentians from the other four Conferences in Guelph, as well as others from neighbouring towns.  Our day began with the celebration of Mass followed by several speakers and presentations by local social agencies providing great insight on how they work to help those less fortunate. We enjoyed being together and learning about ways to better serve our neighbours in need.

We shared a light lunch and took the opportunity to snap this picture to represent that “many hands make light work”!   We parted with a prayer to our patron to pray for us, until we meet again on September 27th, 2025!

Cathie Evans
SSVP Basilica of Our Lady -Guelph, Ontario 

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