The SSVP Windsor-Essex Street Outreach team continues to be busy reaching out and helping people who are homeless. Read some information shared by them.
Our Street Outreach team expanded our offerings to further aid & support our friends on the street and the youth from Holy Name of Jesus and Windsor-Lake St Clair Family of Parishes responded to fulfill the labour portion of this project (bread, peanut butter, jam & baggies all donated). In total, we have now made and delivered 850 PB & Jam sandwiches to our friends.

The Good Shepherd Young Adult Ministry showed up in force for our monthly meal & hygiene packing day alongside of SSVP Good Shepherd, SSVP St Simon St Jude and some of our regulars with Street Outreach. An amazing turnout with 20 young leaders ready to do service for their fellow brothers & sisters in need. What an inspiration it was to work alongside the team. They filled all the tanks of our volunteers full up with joy and enthusiasm and a renewed passion for the work we do to aid those living on the streets. In total we packed 700 food bags & 350 hygiene kits in just over 63 minutes.
Stories to Share from the Street:
Names have been changed to protect their identity.
We have routinely been asked to provide gear for those living in the encampments to clean their space. This gear includes green garbage bags and gloves. We are happy to supply these items to our friends who are desiring to clean their living space and be a courteous neighbour to those housed & businesses nearby. Carter is one of the most recent to ask for these supplies. The good news is that the bags are then placed near the curb on the street for City pickups.
She scared our team something terrible on a recent Sunday morning. We found her curled up & sound asleep in the intersection of Tecumseh & Parent at 7am. How she was not hit is a miracle in and of itself. This young lady’s guardian angel has been working over time to keep her safe. Thankfully she awoke and was tearful and apologetic for scaring the drivers and quickly moved to the sidewalk to speak with our team and get some shoes (she was shoeless)
and some food for her empty tummy as well as some clean new underwear and a backpack to hold her items in.