Prayer Request for Michael Burke, Past President – National Council of Canada

Michael is suffering with terminal cancer. He is awaiting transfer from the hospital to his home where he will await the Lord’s call to join Him. Your prayers are requested for Michael and for his immediate family during this vigil.

Let us Pray:

Father we pray that you might relieve Michael from all pain and discomfort. Grant Michael the strength and patience he needs to endure his suffering with serenity and peace of mind. May he live in quiet joy, experience a holy and peaceful death and attain your promises in heaven. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Father we pray that you grant peace and consolation to Michael’s wife, his children and grandchildren and their extended families during this vigil. Draw them closer to yourself and to each other in the love that was made flesh in Christ. May they find comfort in the sure and certain knowledge and hope in what awaits each one when you should call us to yourself through Christ our Lord.