Who is Eligible? All youth and young adults (under the age of 35) who are active members of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in Canada pursuing post-secondary education (CEGEP, college, or university) in Canada.
Applications for the scholarship are due by April 30 of each year to the National Council office. Details of the scholarship for 2017 can be found on the National website, in the Members section, under Youth Resources. Or click on this link to download the application: APPLICATION-FORM
The Emmanuel Bailly Scholarship is an initiative of the National Council of Canada. Its purpose is to reward young Vincentians for their contributions to the Society. In addition to attending school and working part time, young Vincentians find the time and energy to assist those who are less privileged in their community. Each year, the National Council recognizes one of these young members in Canada who has demonstrated their commitment to the Society, to Vincentian spirituality, and to the Catholic Church.
It is in the name of Emmanuel Bailly, who saw the importance of helping youth combine their studies with their religious formation, that the National Council of Canada wishes to recognize a young person each year for their exceptional contribution by offering a bursary of $1,000 to assist them in the pursuit of their studies.