We are very much pleased to present to you the Annual Circular Letter of Bro. Renato Lima de Oliveira, the 16th President General of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. The publication of the Circular Letter is a tradition in the SSVP, which allows the President General to communicate directly with Vincentians around the world. The first letter was written in July 1841 by Bro. Emmanuel Bailly, the first President General of the SSVP. This has been interrupted for a few years and was revived in 2017 by Bro. Renato.
The circular letter of the year 2018 includes 5 parts:
– Introduction
– Works of the International Council General
– Recommendations to the Vincentians around the world
– Launching of the International Thematic Year of François Lallier – 2018
– Conclusion