SSVP Hypothermia Kits Save Lives in Niagara Falls!

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Every day Vincentians perform many tangible acts of compassion.

One such example occurred recently in the Niagara Region through the action and partnerships fostered by the East Niagara SSVP Particular Council.

In the Fall of 2023, a representative from Niagara Assertive Street Outreach (NASO), the agency responsible for homelessness in our Region, was invited to speak at our meeting. From the ensuing discussion the SSVP decided that supplying hypothermia kits was the most important way within our means to save lives and reduce the significant harm and impact hypothermia causes to our homeless neighbours. Our members researched and sourced the various items needed for 24 kits, providing them to NASO for the winter.

For the winter of 2024/25 we increased our supply to 36 kits. We learned later that Total Prepare (Humanitarian Winter Kit | Total Prepare Inc. Canada), the supplier of the 2023 bivouacs, made the whole kit available on their website.

In February 2025 the Niagara Regional Government acknowledged our initiative, advising they were taking over the responsibility for purchasing and distributing these life-saving kits.

This is an example how through our Vincentian presence we can initiate important programs, partner with private sector and government state holders, to save lives.

Please start the conversation in your area by contacting the local government responsible for homeless safety and make sure they are aware of these kits.

Cliff Sexton, President of St. Patrick Church Conference Niagara Falls 
and member of the East Niagara Particular Council

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