Thank you to everyone who attended the Annual National Formation (ANF) and Statutory Annual Meeting in Calgary in June. There was a great turnout with 180 registered people.
Thank you to Calgary Central Council led by President Evan Strong for hosting the event and organizing the western themed dinner and entertainment on Thursday evening. Thank you to the Planning Committee consisting of Heather Schilling, Joy Morales, Dawn Gray, Pat Lenz, Ken Schwartz, Jean Noel Cormier, Philippe Blain, Josée Lemieux and Nicole Schryburt for all their hard work that went into the planning for this very successful event.
We received great feedback from attendees on the quality of workshops offered on several topics including Safe, Secure and Affordable Housing, Guaranteed Basic Income, Street Outreach, Home Visits, Fundraising, Rejuvenation and Recruitment, Twinning and many more. The workshop presentations can be found on the National Council website at Annual National Formation – Society of Saint Vincent de Paul – National Council of Canada (
Excellent feedback was also received on our plenary speakers which included Bishop William McGrattan, Bishop Yvan Mathieu, Paul Nazareth and fellow Vincentian John Foppe, who received a standing ovation after his inspirational talk.
The majority of attendees who completed the survey were very satisfied with the plenary speakers, workshops and overall content of the event.